Thursday, March 8, 2012

Work in Progress- 2012 Art Show

I have had a lot of interest from colleagues, students and friends to post my current work for my next CG art piece. I am using found objects from my grandfathers basement for a big still life. There will be over 50 CG models. Completion time will be 7 weeks. I am 2 1/2 weeks / 78:41:55 hours in while also doing roughly 55 hours a week teaching campus and online students. My brain is hurting...but, I am excited to be creating!

 Sooo, David Hackett, here are some of my 'work in progress' test renders.

 The captions have model name and work times from scratch to current state. I will start Posting the day as well!

Soldering Paste- 1:00:16
Pipe Wrench- 5:45:03

Big Hook- 2:29:42
Blue Gear- 1:59:54 

Counter Weight- 50:17

Small-Pulley- 3:23:19
Drawing Compass- 3:17:45

Hose Clamp- 1:09:54

Loop Screw Driver- Safety Pin- 46:32
Channel Master- 3:21:32

Mouse Trap(first model) 4:21:03

Oil Can- 6:30:19

Paint Brush- 2:25:28

Putty Knives- 1:36:19

Red C-Clamp- 4:37:16

Small Hook- 2:37:12

Cling Can- 2:38:57- DAY 18

Pipe Thread 2:28:27 DAY 18

Small Oil Can- 2:26:38 DAY 19

Painted_Bolt 2:00:01 DAY 19
Hand_Drill- 9:21:36 DAY 20